Samstag, März 29, 2025
latest Machine Vision News

Intelligent high-performance single board cameras: VC eXcite® family

The eXcite® VC4016 and VC4018 have a resolution of 1,024 x 768 and 640 x 480 pixels, respectively, recording 16 or 32 frames per second. eXcite® Smart Cameras come equipped with 4 MB Flash EPROM and 32 MB SDRAM for program and data storage. An Ethernet interface enables live video display on a PC and serves to integrate the camera into existing automation environments. Additionally, the cameras feature two digital inputs, four outputs and eight TTL I/Os. A high speed trigger input enables jitter-free image recording even at very high reading frequencies. Like all other Smart Cameras from Vision Components®, the eXcite® are designed for use in rugged industrial environments and withstand vibrations and shocks.

read more about  eXcite®