Freitag, März 28, 2025
latest Machine Vision News

New Infrared Bandpass Filters for Machine Vision Imaging

Not sure if IR lighting is your best choice for capturing high contrast images needed for consistently accurate image processing? These broad IR bandpass filters can be used to first test the effects of 850nm and 880nm LED lighting. Threading either filter over the camera lens allows quick viewing of the IR image before ordering the lighting hardware. These inexpensive filters block ambient light, pass the desired 850 or 880nm IR LED wavelengths, and greatly improve overall contrast.

Generally an infrared filter is a requirement whenever IR lighting is to be used in any machine vision application. These precision ground and polished filters not only allow over 98% peak wavelength transmission; they are broadband and exceptionally durable for use at extreme angles and in extreme environments.  

Contact information:

Vision Light Tech
Protonenlaan 22
The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)413 260067
Fax +31 (0)413 260938