Samstag, März 15, 2025
latest Machine Vision News

VICOSYS® multi-camera system: universal operation

„Vision & Control announces:
\r\nFor the first time it is possible to connect digital cameras (USB, Firewire) and PICTOR® smart cameras together within a single Machine Vision system. The new VICOSYS® model range underlines the universal range of Vision & Control Machine Vision systems, from smart cameras to multi-camera systems.“;“The systems continue the well known Vision & Control philosophy of separating Machine Vision from operation, with parameterisation via the well known VCWin user interface.
\r\nUsing the system is straightforward. Also when using an application with PICTOR® smart cameras within a VICOSYS® multi-camera system for the first time, the application can be simply extended using the current VCWin 2.2 or created by the old approved ‘drop and drag’ method with the plain language parameterising used by VCWin. Rapid commissioning is the result.
\r\nVICOSYS® makes possible the connection of a total of 4 digital cameras (USB, Firewire) and PICTOR® (Ethernet) series smart cameras within a common Machine Vision system. VICOSYS® throws open the whole world of digital cameras and it is now possible to use and process images and results from digital and smart cameras together. Hence it is possible to use VICOSYS® for 3D Machine Vision. An extended range of functions for the PICTOR® cameras used within the VICOSYS® system are provided for exploiting this.
\r\nMachine Vision applications that require viewing the test object from different angles can be easily solved with VICOSYS®. The standard VICOREM® remote control interface allows communication between VCWin and the VICOSYS® Machine Vision system, via Ethernet, USB or RS 232. The images are stored in the digital camera and can be called by the VICOSYS® system as required. This guarantees a high level of data security with image acquisition and with the use of multiple cameras.
\r\nVICOSYS® Machine Vision systems are based on an industrial quality embedded PC (requiring no cooling fan) running under a LINUX operating system. The model range, with its various levels, is characterised by up to 16 digital, opto-isolated inputs and outputs, operating voltage between 16 and 30 VDC as well as models with integrated 15\“ TFT monitors and keypad.
\r\nVision & Control GmbH
\r\nPfuetschbergstr. 14
\r\nD – 98527 Suhl / Germany
\r\nphone ++49 (0) 3643 / 77 63 70