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Data Translation Announces DT Measure Foundry/RT-Streaming at ESC Boston

Data Translation Announces DT Measure Foundry/RT-Streaming at ESC Boston: Giant Step Forward in DSP Measurement
\r\nBOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Sept. 16, 2003–For the first time, Data Translation has announced an embedded DSP real-time measurement solution that can stream data to a host computer in real-time controlled by a high level PC application. DT Measure Foundry(TM)/RT-Streaming provides users with access to the award-winning DT9841 Fulcrum® II Series DSP data acquisition board as a new data source in order to stream real-time data and control its data acquisition capabilities. These capabilities are: high-accuracy 24-bit A/D, high-accuracy 24-bit D/A, high-speed DIO, three 32-bit counter timers, and triggers. Data Translation will demonstrate DT Measure Foundry/RT-Streaming in booth #1013 at the Embedded Systems Conference (ESC) Boston in the Hynes Convention Center from September 16-17, 2003.“;“DT Measure Foundry is Data Translation’s test and measurement application builder. DT Measure Foundry’s ease-of-use comes from its patent-pending design which lets users create complex test and measurement applications that access and control data acquisition functions without being expert software developers.
\r\nAccording to Fred Molinari, president, CEO and founder of Data Translation, \“We have chosen ESC/Boston to show our breakthrough in real-time measurement capability. We will demonstrate how DSP measurements can be done easily and then processed in the host with familiar methods.\“
\r\nSimple Real-Time Data Acquisition
\r\nDT Measure Foundry/RT-Streaming is designed to eliminate difficult and time-consuming coding and compiling. By placing the DT9841 board as a DSP real-time data source in a DT Measure Foundry application, a user can configure its property pages through a step-by-step wizard and instantly download a compiled, linked COFF file to the Texas Instruments‘ (TI) floating-point TMS3206711 digital signal processor (DSP) residing on the DT9841 board. Once the DT9841 streams the data into DT Measure Foundry, users can perform any type of analysis or processing on it, including the ability to send the data to The MathWorks‘ MATLAB® or Microsoft® Excel for post-processing.
\r\nDT Measure Foundry/RT-Streaming eliminates the need to become an expert programmer in TI’s Code Composer Studio(TM), write separate host communications programs, drivers and DSP software. There is also no need to use Microsoft Visual Basic®, Microsoft Visual C++® or other programming languages to create a graphical user interface. A user can easily create a GUI in DT Measure Foundry/RT-Streaming to display real-time data – for example, an oscilloscope with a spectrum analyzer panel for real-time FFT to analyze the data and a stop/start button to control the acquisition of data. Any type of display and analysis can be set up very simply and quickly.
\r\nDT Measure Foundry/RT-Streaming also supports Data Translation’s Sleek Box, a complete development environment for real-time embedded DSP data acquisition. The Sleek Box encloses the DT9841 module in a rugged, shielded metal box complete with BNC and D-Sub connectors for easy access to all board functions and includes all necessary accessories.
\r\nAccess to Powerful Mathematical Functions and Analysis
\r\nDT Measure Foundry gives users complete access to MATLAB Script functionality for numerical computation, scientific graphics and signal processing. A user can define and execute MATLAB programs from within DT Measure Foundry for fast and easy visualization and analysis of collected data. Automatic data conversion support allows users to send and receive A/D or D/A data directly to/from MATLAB. Users can also access Excel and control it from within DT Measure Foundry using the Excel Live Link to log, graph and save data in real-time.
\r\nAvailability, Pricing and System Requirements
\r\nDT Measure Foundry/RT-Streaming is available for immediate order with delivery within 30 days and is priced at $1995. DT Measure Foundry runs on Windows® 2000 and XP. System requirements include: a PC compatible with a Pentium® II/333 or higher recommended; DT9841 Fulcrum II Series or Sleek Box; CD ROM drive; at least 128MB of RAM required, 256MB recommended and at least 80MB of free hard disk space; Microsoft Windows 2000 (SP1) or XP; appropriate DT WDM hardware device driver(s) and USB 2.0 (recommended) or Ethernet. Compatible software includes Microsoft Excel 2000 or higher and MATLAB 6.5 Release 13 or higher.
\r\nDT Measure Foundry includes an extensive library of application examples as well as online help. Data Translation provides complete technical support for all its products. Support is also available 24×7 via Data Translation’s website at
\r\nAbout CMP Media ESC/Boston
\r\nWith over 3,000 attendees and 120 exhibitors, CMP Media’s Embedded Systems Conference Boston is:
\r\n# renowned for showcasing the most innovative, breakthrough
\r\ntechnology and products in the embedded systems development
\r\n# an important gathering of hardware and software providers,
\r\nengineers, developers, industry leaders, executives, financial
\r\nanalysts, venture capitalists, and media focused on
\r\nprocessor-based design and development
\r\n# the East Coast’s premier educational forum for engineers and
\r\nengineering managers developing processor-based systems
\r\nAbout Data Translation
\r\nData Translation is an ISO 9001-certified supplier to the data acquisition, imaging and machine vision markets with expertise in the design of high-accuracy, high-quality and reliable analog-to-digital products. The company partners with its end user and OEM customers to help them achieve real-time measurement and image acquisition. With thirty years experience, customers have come to rely on Data Translation because of its design proficiency, world-class manufacturing and well-respected customer service. Headquartered in Marlboro, Mass., Data Translation has a worldwide presence, with distribution in more than 40 countries and subsidiaries in Germany and the UK. For more information, visit
\r\nData Translation and Fulcrum are registered trademarks and DT Measure Foundry is a trademark of Data Translation. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel. Code Composer Studio is a trademark of Texas Instruments. Windows and Microsoft are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
\r\n Data Translation, Inc.
\r\n Ann McDonough, 508-481-3700, ext. 1544
\r\nSource: Data Translation, Inc.“;0;86;3;“admin“;““;0;““;0;0;0;0;0