Donnerstag, März 13, 2025
latest Machine Vision News

Common Vision Blox 8.0.1 with new possibilities

„Puchheim, april 30th, 2003\r\n
\r\nThe updated Version 8.0.1 of STEMMER IMAGING´s image processing library Common Vision Blox (CVB) is now available. Particular highlights of the new release include the successful tools CVB Minos and CVB Barcode in a special version for the smart camera JAI ThinkEye.“;“The user interface, iTuition, has also been further optimized in the CVB version 8.0.1. In addition to the existing syntax highlighting feature, the script editor now also offers code completion, extended drag-and-drop functionality and simpler debugging of in-house scripts.\r\n
\r\nThe list of supported hardware for image capture has also been further extended. Thus, drivers for the microEnable III frame grabber from Silicon Software and for PC2-Vision from Coreco Imaging are now available. \r\n
\r\nThe newly added driver for firewire cameras also deserves a special mention. This driver supports image capture using IEEE 1394 cameras over OCHI-compatible IEEE adapters, which today are already being built into many laptops as standard.\r\n
\r\nThe demo version is, of course, still available free of charge. For those who can’t wait, the updated files are also available as a service pack for existing installations of CVB 8.0. New drivers are, however, not contained in the service pack.\r\n
\r\nFurther informations: \r\n
\r\nGutenbergstr. 11\r\n
\r\n82178 Puchheim/Germany\r\n
\r\nphone +49 (0) 89 80902-0\r\n
\r\nfax +49 (0) 89 80902-116\r\n
\r\nEmail: \r\n
\r\nInternet: \r\n