Donnerstag, März 13, 2025
latest Machine Vision News

Parsytec AG Surface Inspection Summit 2002 Concludes: New Maturity Level Reached

„The SIS 2002 confirmed Parsytec’s assumption about the current industries’ perception on the state-of-the-art of surface inspection technology: After the early adopters’ euphoria and the following disillusionment phase, surface inspection technology is now ready for industry wide application. For steel and paper producers the question of whether inspection technology is ready for general industrial use is no longer an issue. Technological advances have turned the focus to the best practices of using inspection products. Questions about usage concepts have thus superseded questions of general viability. \r\n
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\r\nThis is underlined by a brought field study about surface inspection usage at 21 production lines of 11 steel producers: 67% of all inspectors considers CASIS to be great help, and 72% state that their inspection process has become more efficient since the CASIS installation. 60% of the customers considers CASIS to be indispensable.\r\n
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\r\nAs Parsytec has the broadest installed base, its inspection products best reflect these new requirements. The recently launched HTx 4.2 Toolsuite Edition ensures a fast commissioning and provides a high ease-of-use. For the first time, a Parsytec inspection system not only provides all traditional options for inspection experts to adapt the system to customer-individual needs. The HTx 4.2 Toolsuite Edition also offers a variety of support features for inexperienced users. The HTx 4.2 Toolsuite Edition is the worldwide only standardized, complete inspection product. This is honoured by the customers:\r\n
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\r\nInternational Paper purchased the HTP 4.2 Toolsuite Editions via Parsytec’s sales partner Metso Automation. With this order, 10 of the 20 world’s largest paper producers are now Parsytec customers. International Paper is the world’s largest paper producer. Headquartered in the United States, International Paper has an annual production volume of 18.3 million tons and operates more than 100 production lines worldwide. The Parsytec HTP 4.2 Toolsuite Edition will be installed at the Paper Machine #4 in Bastrop (Louisiana). The PM4 produces specialty paper for printing and writing, and thus has specially high requirements on the web inspection technology. \r\n
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\r\nFurthermore, TK-AST purchased a HTS 4.2 Toolsuite Edition to be installed at the Hot Mill’s bottom-side in Terni. After achieving precise, comprehensive, and valuable in-spection results with Parsytec’s top-side inspection system, TK-AST now decided to complement this installation. \r\n
\r\nsource: parsytec AG“;0;35;3;“admin“;““;0;““;0;0;0;0;0