Donnerstag, März 13, 2025
latest Machine Vision News

Data Translation Announces More Power and Precision Than Ever Before

Data Translation Announces More Power and Precision Than Ever Before For Real-Time Measurements\r\n
\r\nFulcrum II Real-Time Data Acquisition Power Combines With Texas Instruments‘ High- Performance DSPs for World’s Most Accurate Data Acquisition Capability\r\n
\r\nMARLBORO, Mass., Oct. 28 /PRNewswire/ — Data Translation,® Inc. (Nasdaq: DATX – News), a leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of high-performance data acquisition, imaging and machine vision products, today announced the DT9841 Fulcrum® II Series. By combining the accuracy of Texas Instruments‘ (TI) floating- point TMS3206711 digital signal processor (DSP) with the speed of two 24-bit sigma-delta A/D and D/A converters on a standard 6U card that communicates to the host via USB 2.0, the DT9841 is an intelligent data acquisition system for processing measurements that require the highest performance in real-time.“;“The Fulcrum II Series builds on the success of the company’s Fulcrum I technology in which customers used ISA PCs in embedded applications for vibration, signal analysis, and test and measurement. The Fulcrum I Series also used a TI DSP, the TI C40(TM).\r\n
\r\nAccording to Fred Molinari, president, founder and CEO of Data Translation, \“Leveraging the accuracy of TI’s DSP devices, OEMs, integrators, institutions and laboratories now have a product with the kind of speed and power that’s never been available before today. This is very important in the embedded applications market, where precision in mission-critical applications is vital and speed is an essential factor in processing measurements.\“\r\n
\r\n\“The Fulcrum II Series boards offered from Data Translation add high-performance analog circuitry with peripheral- rich C6711 DSPs giving our customers a complete off-the-shelf, real-time test and measurement system,\“ said Martin Burgos, C67x(TM) product marketing manager, TI. \“Customers can accelerate their time to market by combining C6711 DSPs with high-performance analog circuitry into their designs.\“\r\n
\r\n Architectural Capabilities for High-Speed, Real-Time Processing\r\n
\r\n The DT9841 is a complete data acquisition measurement system. Equipped\r\n
\r\nwith A/D, D/A, D/IO, clock timer and trigger, the DT9841 features:\r\n
\r\n — 8 simultaneous channels of 24-bit sigma-delta A/D, 100kS/s, expandable\r\n
\r\n to additional modules;\r\n
\r\n — 2 simultaneous channels of 24-bit sigma-delta D/A, 100kS/s, expandable\r\n
\r\n to additional modules;\r\n
\r\n — 24 lines of digital I/O: 8 inputs, 8 outputs and 8 programmable as\r\n
\r\n digital I/O and up to 3 counter timers with up/down capability and;\r\n
\r\n — USB 2.0 support for ultra fast communications with the host and for the\r\n
\r\n next-generation of peripherals that require processing speeds up to\r\n
\r\n 480 Mbps.\r\n
\r\nEach A/D and D/A subsystem has its own high-speed pathway in and out of memory so each can execute real- time measurements without processor intervention. The embedded C6711 DSP is software programmable and can be used in a standalone or system test operation. It does not require host intervention because it comes with 2 Mbytes of flash memory for autonomous operation. The DSP bypasses Windows®‘ latencies, allowing for high- speed uninterrupted data transfer.\r\n
\r\nStandard Design for Expandability\r\n
\r\nThe DT9841 is a single 6U card with standard connections for analog input, analog output, trigger and clock. Up to eight additional cards can be added via a LVDS communication port to expand channel count up to 64 simultaneous A/D input signals plus 16 D/A output signals.\r\n
\r\nA Complete DSP Programming Environment\r\n
\r\nThe DT9841 can be used by developers, programmers and high-level applications software package users. The host software for the DT9841 provides a means of installing and configuring the DT9841 from the host, tools for downloading and executing DSP programs, an API for writing host programs to communicate with running DSP programs, an API for building utilities, diagnostics, etc., and sample programs that use the two APIs.\r\n
\r\nUsers can develop programs in TI’s Code Composer Studio(TM) Integrated Development Environment (IDE). In future versions, users will also be able to program using Data Translation’s test and measurement application environment, DT Measure Foundry(TM).\r\n
\r\nTo learn more about TI’s real-time eXpressDSP(TM) Software and Development Tools and receive free evaluation tools, visit .\r\n
\r\nAvailability, Pricing and System Requirements\r\n
\r\nThe DT9841 is priced at $3995 and is available for immediate order. The board comes in two memory configurations: the DT9841-128 with 128MB of SDRAM and the DT9841-64/2 with 64MB of SDRAM and 2MB of Flash. The DT9841 runs on Windows® 2000 and XP.\r\n
\r\nThe DT9841 includes an extensive library of application examples and tutorials as well as online help. Data Translation provides complete technical support for all its products. Support is also available 24×7 via Data Translation’s website at . An animated demonstration of the software is also available on the company’s website.\r\nsource: yahoo“;0;22;4;“admin“;““;0;““;0;0;0;0;0