Mittwoch, März 12, 2025
latest Machine Vision News

CogniTens introduces Optigo 200 3-D noncontact measurement system

„The Optigo 200 is a portable, high-accuracy measurement and analysis system for applications requiring high throughput and enhanced accessibility measurement in harsh environments. The OptiCell is an automated measurement system for on-line process control and QA on the shop floor. Its rugged optical head is designed to be installed on an industrial robot and allows fast repetitive part measurement in uncontrolled vibration, light, and temperature environments.\r\n
\r\nThe systems allow collection of highly accurate and dense clouds of points and immediate analysis of the collected data to find deviations from specifications and flaws in tools and parts. Image acquisition is performed in submillisecond single exposures, preventing measurement errors that can be induced from vibrations, lighting conditions, and temperature variations.\r\n
\r\nOptigo 200 has integrated mapping capabilities that allow the it to perform photogrammetry and measurement without using an external mapping camera. The built-in applications allow instantaneous handling of the collected data to provide the user with measurement results of surfaces and features, comparisons to CAD, digital and virtual assembly tools, and reporting.\r\n
\r\nOptigo 200 has two accessibility platforms, an off-the-shelf tripod and a new, high- accessibility platform, the Vertex, which is a complementary pedestal developed by CogniTens to allow full car, in-car and large tool measurements. The Vertex is designed as a self-balanced pedestal and is specifically tailored for shop-floor operation in narrow corridors and doorways, as well as transportation between sites.\r\n
\r\nThe OptiCell is an automated measurement system designed for on-line process control and quality assurance on the shop floor. Highly accurate measurement capabilities and automatic repetitive measurement functions allow the OptiCell to measure multiple parts in sequence, providing manufacturing managers with part-to- CAD deviation information, trend reports, and go/no-go utilities. The OptiCell has self- calibrating tools to maintain highly repeatable accuracy and has been tested with a variety of low-payload robots.“;0;95;4;““;“Source:“;0;““;0;0;0;0;0