Samstag, März 15, 2025
latest Machine Vision News

Datacube and MVTec to work together

„This combination of real-time image-processing hardware and robust machine-vision software provides OEMs and system integrators with a new level of performance above traditional host-based machine vision software offerings.\r\n
\r\nSaid Tom Hospod, vice president of marketing and business development at Datacube, \“We see the union of Datacube hardware and MVTec software as a powerful combination that enables OEMs and system integrators to advance their machine vision performance to new heights. For the first time, users of HALCON software will be able to accelerate time-consuming image-preprocessing steps on- the-fly, thereby increasing their overall system throughput and responsiveness.\“\r\n
\r\nCommenting on this new relationship, Olaf Munkelt, managing director of MVTec, stated, \“Historically, host-based machine-vision software performance has been solely governed by advances in host CPU and PCI bus bandwidth. Now our customers have highly cost-effective hardware from Datacube to preprocess images on-the-fly, transfer them with high speed to main memory, and finally process them with the full capabilities of HALCON. This reduces the overall processing time while maintaining high flexibility.\“\r\n
\r\nHALCON provides 990 image processing and analysis operators covering a wide range of time-critical machine vision automation applications such as factory automation, robotic guidance, quality inspection, remote sensing and aerial image interpretation, medical image analysis, and surveillance tasks. Key features of HALCON software include simplified programming in ActiveX (COM), Visual Basic, C, and C++ and support of multiprocessor computers.\r\n
\r\nMaxRevolution and HALCON 6.1 bundled hardware and software pricing starts at US$3156 list price in single quantity.\r\n
\r\nsource: VisionSystemsDesign“;0;92;3;“Webmaster“;““;0;““;0;0;0;0;0